3D Body Scan

This 3-D scan is cutting edge technology while you stand on a platform that slowly turns, it captures a 3-D image of your body. You will get a full report and measurements that will be emailed to you. This is a great tool, so you can see how your body shape is transforming, it will also show you your previous scans compared to the each other. I heard one client say recently how excited she was to see in 3 months she had lost 27" on the scans!

The purpose of this 3-D scan is to get you a more accurate picture of how your results are coming along in inches, body shape and body fat. This replaces doing regular measurements for it does all your measurements digitally as well as it does your body fat percentage and will help you see the changes in your body shape over time.

We recommend you do the scans once a month, just like you would do measurements. This is just another component to our program that helps you see how your body is transforming. This service comes with your personal training program. Here is an example of what it looks like:

3D Body Scan results example
3D Body Scan results example

Members please go to the members page to book your body scan (if you need this page, please contact us).