30 Minute Workout?
Is 30 Minutes Enough for a Workout?
Sometimes people think that working out for longer is what will get them results but that is not always the case. So I would like to give you some answers of why we do 30-minute workouts. These answers are based on what is best for results, the body and maintenance of those results.
We have a 30-minute workout model for a reason and that is because we believe after training for 26 years and training over 6,500 women, that training at this intensity for 30 minutes is the best for our bodies for many reasons. Not only do I believe that, but there is a lot of research to back this up as well.
Interval training for longer than 30-minute periods can have some negative effects that outweigh the desire to do it to burn more calories and we don’t want that for you, especially since our clients come to us for overall fitness and health. Here are just a few reasons why we only do 30-minute workouts and why we didn’t design it to be 60 minutes, when you work out for longer than 30 minutes at this level of training:
- It can increase cortisol levels which is a hormone that makes your body store body fat
- It can stress out your adrenal glands which in the end can make you more tired and fatigued
- It can negatively affect female hormones
- It makes you hungrier, which means you eat more calories and people end up eating more calories than the calories they thought they burned off in the extra workout
- There is more free radical production when you exercise for longer periods without rest, which free radicals are linked to rapid aging and cancer – we want to keep free radical production down as much as possible
- There is more wear and tear on the joints and ligaments, which can lead to injury down the road or just aches and pains
- People can get burnt out faster on training, that is one great thing about 30 minutes, its short and quick and over, instead of feeling like to get the real benefit a person has to work out for long durations of time
- It just takes more time. When you are busy, if you feel like for the rest of your life you are going to have to work out for an hour at a time, 3x a week that is not as realistic to maintain as only 30 minutes
- Another massive reason why we do 30 minutes of interval training (bringing your heart rate up and taking it back down), is to create the "After Burn" effect. When you train this way, your body actually burns calories for up to 36 hours after the workout, hence the "after burn". If you just do a regular work out with weights, where you don’t spike your heart rate, you really only burn calories during the work out. It's much more effective to burn calories for a day and a half later then only in a single workout.
Come join us and see how much you can really get done in 30 minutes!