Michelle’s story of losing 43 lbs. after a car accident.

Jennifer lost 33 lbs., Less Stress and has Energy to Chase Around her Twins

Kim lost 67 lbs. and can’t believe how different her life is! See her story and pictures.

Ruth at 78 had Double Knee Replacement...Thanks to Working out she has No Pain!

Stephanie had Chronic Fatigue she could Hardly get out of Bed, now Feels Amazing and Lost over 30 lbs. in 12 Weeks WITH Half a Thyroid!

Shannon lost 40 lbs. with us and kept it off 3 years! She has a Bachelor’s in Food Science and Nutrition and she is now our Nutrition Educator!

What Type of Fat to Eat to Lose Weight and Be Healthy - on ABC's Morning Blend

What Type of Fat to Eat to Lose Weight and Be Healthy - on ABC's Morning Blend

Blood Sugar Dropped 200 Points